Improving Workplace Vibes Lab
Productivity, Innovation, and Creativity
Do you need to improve your workplace vibes? Dr. Anna Adachi-Mejia will help you to optimize your workplace culture. She applies tools from multiple disciplines to promote productivity, innovation, and creativity in the workplace.
Through interactive activities, Anna offers playful, improvisational tools to uplift, build, and boost workplace productivity.
Anna’s Values
Collaboration | Community | Creativity | Empathy | Flexibility | Inclusiveness | Kindness | Humility | Patience | Playfulness | Responsibility | Thoughtfulness
Anna has studied multiple languages, and she has experience working with interpreters at community events.
Other tools: Photovoice
Photovoice is an approach to learning about other people’s perspectives through photography and words. Through photovoice, we can learn about individual perspectives on a topic, such as barriers and facilitators to engaging in a behavior. Photovoice projects culminate in community events and opportunities to motivate and inspire policy change.